Directory Structure
/lib Directory
/lib holds all scripts for the mdTranslator gem:
adiwg-mdtranslator.rb - specifies the environment for the "adiwg-mdtranslator" gem.
/adiwg - holds all scripts for mdTranslator readers and writers.
/lib/adiwg Directory
/adiwg directory holds all scripts for mdTranslator readers and writers:
mdtranslator.rb - entry point for the adiwg-mdtranslator gem.
mdtranslator_cli.rb - entry point and code for the CLI.
/mdtranslator - directory holds all scripts for mdTranslator readers and writers.
/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator Directory
/mdtranslator - directory holds all scripts for mdTranslator readers and writers:
version.rb - keeps the version number for mdTranslator code and a history of changes.
/internal - holds methods used across multiple readers and writers.
/readers - holds the code for all mdTranslator readers.
/writers - holds the code for all mdTranslator writers.
/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator/internal Directory
/internal - holds methods used across multiple readers and writers. - a collection of methods that construct objects that couple together to dynamically create the mdTranslator's internal data store. - a method to search a codelist for valid items. - a collection of methods to convert lists of coordinates between strings and array in formats for ISO, FGDC, and GeoJSON. Includes a method for computing bounding box coordinates from a GeoJSON Feature Collection. - a collection of methods to handle date and time formats in ISO and string representations.
/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator/readers Directory
/readers - holds all the code for mdTranslator readers.
mdReaders.rb - contains the method that accepts parameters from a call to mdTranslator and decides which reader to execute or to abort if a valid reader is not found. If reader returns valid internal data store from the read, control is passed to mdWriters.rb if a writer was requested, otherwise returns read status to the user.
/{reader name} - holds all the code for a specific reader. The directory name MUST be the code name of the reader.
/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator/writers Directory
/writers - holds all the code for mdTranslator writers.
mdWriters.rb - contains the method that accepts parameters from mdReaders.rb and decides which writer to execute or to abort if a valid writer is not found. Returns results of the writer or error messages if writer execution fails.
/{writer name} - holds all the code for a specific writer. The directory name MUST be the code name of the writer.