
mdCodes Rubygem

mdCodes provides code lists in hash or JSON formats for loading of mdEditor and other metadata tools that use the ADIwg mdJson-schemas.

Each codelists include all ISO 19115-2 and ISO 19115-1 codes plus and many codelists also carry supplemental codes added by NGDC or ADIwg. The codelists may be accessed in Ruby by installing the adiwg-mdcodes gem. Alternatively, JSON formatted codelists may be returned when using the hosted API (see next section) or Grunt.



returns the path to the 'resources' folder containing codelist files in YAML format'.

getAllCodelistsDetail( returnFormat )

returns all code lists with all codelist detail returnFormat = [hash | json] (string)

getAllCodelistDetail( codeListName, returnFormat )

returns a single codelist with all code list detail codeListName = name of code list to return (string) returnFormat = [ hash | json ] (string)

getAllStaticCodelists( returnFormat )

returns all static codelists with only the codelist item names returnFormat = [hash | json] (string)

getStaticCodelist( codeListName, returnFormat )

returns a single static codelist with only the codelist item names codeListName = name of code list to return (string) returnFormat = [hash | json] (string)


require 'adiwg-mdcodes'

# get ISO role types codelist - codeNames only
codeListName = 'iso_role'
codeList = ADIWG::Mdcodes.getStaticCodelist(codeListName)

#  get all codelist with full detail
allCodeLists = ADIWG::Mdcodes.getAllCodeistsDetail

results matching ""

    No results matching ""